Condo Q&A

Association pool shut down as dangerous to public health

Written by | Sun, Jul 2, 2017 @ 11:15 AM
I have written before about our  pool situation.  This morning, I went to the pool and saw an orange sign from public health saying the facility is being operated in violation of chapter 64E-9 and has  been deemed dangerous to public health.
We share the pool with the adjacent community (#1); in fact, they own it. But based on door count, we pay 75% of bills.  We also have a "Sharing Document" but that has never been followed.  Community #1 has not corrected any of the violations at the pool. 
So I live in community #2. Bought here because the pool was adjacent to my condo.  Is there anything homeowners can do to get repairs done to the pool?
Will City Code Enforcement  take Community #1 to court to force correction of violations?  Violations include:  rusted bathroom doors, broken door closure, cracked deck cement, crack at base of pool entry hand railing.  In addition, the deck needs painting, furniture is broken and has mold, gardens at pool are nothing but weeds. I took a potential home buyer to see the pool, and they said "no thanks".  The condition of the pool is bringing down our property values and the ability to sell our property.