Condo Q&A

Can Scottsdale owner demand HOA improvements from uncooperative board?

Written by | Sat, Oct 5, 2019 @ 03:46 PM

We live in a large condo community in Scottsdale, AZ, with 800 units, each 2 buildings constitute an HOA with a Board of 5. Then there is a 'management', our own employees, which does not work well. My HOA has not been following simple rules, stated in our own CC&Rs. I was a board member and subsequently President until that Board demoted me, because I was bringing up too many issues. I subsequently resigned from the Board completely. However, I have pushed a beautification committee of 6 women/co-owners incl. myself in order to improve what is not working and some illegal. No announcement of board meetings for the last 5 years, no minutes, that I cannot even get when requesting it in writing. The last "job" cost more than $ 100,000 in our common area, while the deplorably looking first floor of one building needed to get attention several years ago. Can I, as co-owner, chair of the Committee demand that improvements of that kind of money, must be discussed with the ownership prior to the work. In this particular case, we were informed in one of the meetings that the 'job' would cost about $ 20,000. Only, when I contacted our comptroller, did I find out, what was actually spent. How should I go about making this a discussion point for transparency in our next HOA meeting. Thank you for any input.