Condo Q&A

Can the property manager raise HOA dues twice a year?

Written by | Mon, Aug 14, 2023 @ 02:30 PM

This question is submitted by Monica G. out of Florida

Our association raised our fees for 2023 starting in January. It was expected. This month we all received a letter from the new property manager (he started in February). The letter states that they will be raising the HOA fees $50 for single units (like my unit).

It states that we must pay this starting in August. The letter was dated August 6th and received on August 10th by the owners. We have not had a budget meeting this year. They will have one on August 22nd. We always have them later in the year. 

Under Florida law, can they raise HOA dues twice a year? Also, can they charge this without a 14-day notice? Should not a budget meeting come first BEFORE any HOA dues are raised?


