Condo Q&A

Condo association problems with deeded parking space

Written by | Thu, May 12, 2016 @ 12:54 PM
My husband and I recently purchased a condo in Milwaukee. There was no parking deeded with the unit, and the owner lied to us and said there was a "list" we could get in to purchase a spot. Of course, there is no such list. A few months ago another owner who also has no deeded parking, mentions that she and her husband had noticed that a parking space in the lot was never used. They are friends with the board president, and when they brought the spot to his attention, he confirmed that the spot had never been conveyed or deeded to any unit. Now I've discovered that a transferable lease for that spot was created for this one homeowner. The lease goes with the unit, so when it sells (it is up for sale) the new owner has first rights to continue leasing this spot. This seems very shady-the owner was essentially given rights to a parking spot which increased his home's value by thousands of dollars, and no other owner in the building was ever notified or given the opportunity to lease. I've contacted a lawyer but don't really have the thousands it will take to fight this in court. Emails to the board and the property manager go unanswered. Any advice?