Condo Q&A

Condo board makes all the wrong moves

Written by | Sat, Jul 30, 2016 @ 10:37 AM

Our condominium by-laws indicate that governance of the homeowners association should consist of three members of the board, elected by the owners, serving two year terms. The by-laws then state that the board directors shall annually elect four association officers who "hold office at the pleasure of the Board."

These positions are: President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer. Currently our association is represented by 2 board members one of whom refers to himself as VP and Treasurer, and another who refers to herself as Secretary.

The VP/Treasurer/board member has been in this role for over 5 years, the Secretary about two years. One month after we moved in we received notice that there was an opening for "President" on the board ( completely incorrect terminology per the by-laws) and the board was accepting nominations. I nominated myself and included my professional background etc as requested. We were unable to attend the meeting and never received any feedback on my nomination. Almost 3 months and 5 emails to the secretary later, minutes of the meeting were finally sent to homeowners and posted in the elevator. No mention was made of the election in the minutes, and there was not a quorum present. Somehow, a "president" was named and has since moved out, opening up another position. I sent in my information again, and was denied. The secretary indicated that the board had appointed another owner.

All of this, the holding of multiple positions for long past the term allowed in the by-laws, the appointment of someone called a president but also referred to as a board member, the failure to communicate such moves, the failure to fill open positions while denying my application (I'm a professional of over 25 years with a doctorate in leadership), seems in clear contravention to our by-laws, but our owners are apathetic and not many attend meetings. Is there any remedy here that doesn't include a lawyer? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.