Condo Q&A

Condo prez wants to change bylaws for pets and renters

Written by | Mon, Jun 8, 2015 @ 10:57 AM
Our president would like to put a bylaws restricting/limiting: 1) rental leases to only a one year lease 2) only one dog/cat per unit & less than 60 LBS 3) don't leave animals unattended in the unit for more than one day.   I would not want to give the President/Board any power because he has proven to be unfair and when recommendations have been provided, he yells and reacts in an unprofessional manner. We have enough votes to vote how we feel is best. 1) If we want to vote favorably on some things, but we don't want to give him full power, could we vote so that this gets added to the Rules and Regulations (which could be changed later) rather than adding it as a bylaw? 2) what's the advantage of adding it to the bylaws rather than as a rule and regulation?