Condo Q&A

Developer trying to keep control over HOA board

Written by | Sun, Jan 7, 2018 @ 11:55 AM
Our HOA is quite small, located in Michigan with only 5 homeowners at the present time. I say that as the developer has 2 vacant lots that have been for sale since 2005. At our annual HOA meeting we got into a huge disagreement with him over the issue of what is considered a unit. Our understanding is a unit is an enclosed structure, his argument is that, "in a developers world the 2 vacant lots are considered units". The reason this came up was he wants to have 2 votes, 1 each for the vacant lots that are in his sons name. Also, he had a representative (his real estate agent) attend the meeting to cast his votes. To complicate this even more, our President allowed him to join in on the meeting by telephone.
Our by laws clearly state that a homeowner has to attend a meeting in order to cast a vote. With that being said, what is the correct definition of a "unit". Also, is it permissible to allow him any voice by telephone and do we have to allow his real estate agent in our meeting acting as his representative to cast his votes? I might add also that neither the developer or the real estate agent own a home in our subdivision.

Any and all comments are gratefully appreciated ASAP as we are looking to have a special called meeting to remove the current President from office because he is nothing but a "puppet" of the developer. Also, we don't need the developer on the telephone during this meeting as nothing will be accomplished due to him talking constantly. We just want to make sure that our ducks are in the right rows so we have answers to fight back with