Condo Q&A

Dog rules for HOAs and condo associations

Written by | Thu, Dec 28, 2017 @ 06:43 AM
My neighbors have been allowing her dogs to run loose in the area behind her condo which is a wooded area. They access this area because there is gate for workers to go into. This gate is close to my neighbors condo. My concern is we have many other dog owners in the community who follow the rules and leash their dogs. I am afraid if they get wind of this it could end up being a dog run. Which would take away from the quietness of this area. My condo cost a great deal more money for this location facing a beautiful wooded area. I am afraid if other neighbors get wind of this they will want to do the same. In one instance or another this neighbor seems to refuse to have her dogs leashed from when they moved in a few months. I don't want this area to become a dog run. Since this Is a wooded area partially fenced off, is it considered common? We have by laws stating dogs must be leashed at all times when in common area. I have complained before about dogs getting loose and causing a problem. I feel like I am in a no win situation here. She now hates me, and is talking to others about me. Don't know how to handle this. I don't want to cause more problems but I don't want to loose my enjoyment of living in this location of the community. Thank you of your input!