Condo Q&A

Florida condo board removes member who is against big lease deal

Written by | Sat, Jun 27, 2015 @ 09:43 PM

As a long time board member and a snowbird, I have always corresponded with the board and management by email during my residence and during the six month period at which I am back in New England. This past year, I have been very ill and unable to be at my residence in Florida during the winter months. I am elderly and do not have clearance from the doctor for travel for another month.

This past year there has been a serious proposal by the board and submitted to the owner occupied residents and snowbird residents. The proposal from the board is very serious and involves a long term lease. I, as a board member, when this was first proposed last October, cautioned against haste and recommended thorough unbiased investigation to protect the interests of the persons living in the building. The board has procrastinated about this with no definitive answers.

At the last meeting of the board it was voted to remove me because of more than three continuous absences. This was done at a monthly meeting. It was not posted on the agenda, it was not a petition from the owners. The unapproved minutes do not record a vote, do not refer to an email by me to the chairman, in respect to this action which two days prior was announced to me by e mail by the secretary/treasurer as an issue to be discussed and that he would present it to the board for discussion in two days. I responded by email to the chairman and it was read aloud at the meeting by the vice chair. I think that it was wrong to discuss and vote on a personal matter in an open meeting. This type of action was never done before either to me or any other snowbird member. It was always accepted that I would be away every year for six months. The board and management continuously communicated with me re board and association issues. This was an accepted practice. although I have several times asked for a telephone conference set up, the board refused s to do so. I believe that selective enforcement of a bylaw has been done to me. They have cited 718 and I do not think that is correct because this is a separate action by the board and not a petition of the owners. I think it is a by law in reference to automatic resignation after a three month consecutive absence. In my opinion the board has been capricious. It appears that this action has been taken in an effort to remove my vote concerning the long term serious proposal. Please advise