Condo Q&A

HOA members can't afford fee increase

Written by | Fri, Mar 31, 2017 @ 11:01 AM

We are a 24 unit condo in South Carolina. Our HOA board approved a15.69% increase in our fees. This amounts to about $50 per month. This is a 55 and over community and this increase will cause a hardship to several as their budgets are stretched to the max. Residents in the larger units are already paying $400 month. I know if we stop paying, the HOA can place a lien on our property but what if the majority can't pay the regime fee but still pays their mortgage? We also pay part of our fee to the master HOA. We are concerned we won't be able to sell. The previous board had the bylaws rewritten and the attorney took out any wording concerning a right to vote on increasing our regime fees. In fact it was written leaving out any benefits for the residents. In SC we don't have an agency that will help residents. I was told the state looks at these HOA's as joining a country club! And this comment was made from the attorney generals office. Any advice for us? I feel stuck as do my neighbors.