Condo Q&A

HOA president has commandeered handicapped parking spot

Written by | Thu, Dec 3, 2015 @ 09:42 PM

About two years ago, I had a handicapped parking placard due to a broken foot bone.

In January of 2014 I purchased a new condo. After moving, in I parked in the handicapped parking space. I found a note on my windshield asking me not to park in the handicapped space, of which there are two, because one woman had lost her legs and another woman was very old.

The very old woman is mother to the HOA president. I stopped parking in the handicapped space out of courtesy. In February of the same year, I fell and completely tore my left quad muscle. Consequently, I could not walk and have to have surgery.

I am now home and sent a letter to the management/HOA for another handicapped space to avoid any further conflict. The board said no, and the two spaces would be first come, first serve.

As a result the woman who is president of the HOA parks her car in one of the handicapped spaces, and uses her extra car to tote her elderly mother around.

As a result, I never have access to a handicapped space. The car never leaves the space. The other space is being used by my neighbor with no legs.

I feel she is abusing her role as president of the HOA. All I have felt is humiliation and frustration. I went to the city and they told me they do not have to add any more spaces because of the year the condo was build.

There are 85 spaces total. Right now I use a walker and a cane to get around. Any suggestions? I am in NJ.