Condo Q&A

How do condo associations effectively collect past due fees from owners?

Written by | Thu, Jul 9, 2015 @ 12:03 AM
I live in an 18 unit condo in Chicago. We have two unit owners who owe a total of $20,000, We are facing a special assessment in the next few months because our gutters fell down. Can the owners refuse to pay the special assessment and tell the board to go after the 2 individuals who owe money. These individuals have not paid in 4 or 5 years. Our board has fallen down on the job of collecting these assessments. It has been heard that when the special assessments are requested, the board is only going to ask the 16 unit owners to pay, because they know that they are not going to get the money from the two who owe $20,000. So to recap, can we as unit owners, refuse to pay the special assessment until they recover the monies owed? Illinois.