Condo Q&A

How to change trustees in Massachusetts condo trust?

Written by | Tue, Mar 22, 2016 @ 10:39 AM
What steps are needed to change Trustees on Condo trust agreement in Massachusetts. My online searches come up with little guidance. Here are specifics:

We are a 4-owner self-managed association. The original trust agreement has the previous owner who owned the entire property prior to the condo conversion. He and his wife remained as trustee and no others were added. Now, he has sold the last unit and is no longer a trustee. So, we need to 1. remove the original owners altogether; 2. add the new owners.

My search didn't outline steps so I'm hoping someone here can help fill in some missing details from start to finish. I assume we'll also need to hire an attorney.

Thank you in advance for your help.