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I asked the condo board to pay me for work I did


The president of my board asked me if i would be "the keeper of the pool gate keys", let them know when pool bathroom needed cleaning, and weed the pool Gardens. I said no to keeping the keys since Security does that but would do the others if she appointed me as the pool committee chair person . she did and the board agreed. I spent 6 hours weeding. When I was done, I did ask if I could get paid because the work was far more than i had planned. Also, since there is a board member who gets paid to clean the pool bathroom, I thought it was appropriate to ask. The response was "we are a volunteer community" and the they jumped the gun because they didn't want to start committees until the new year. I didn't even get a thank you for the work i did. Just wondered how others think of this board's actions. Btw, during the week i was on this committee, I had to call Security 3 times to come lock the pool gate at night.

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