Condo Q&A

Landlord parties at condo pool all day long

Written by | Wed, Jun 10, 2015 @ 01:52 AM
We have a problem with an investor that has bought three condos in our small unit of nine. They rent out all units but think they have the right to use the pool and shower in the bathroom daily. Our pool is very small and really is only big enough to fit 4 to 6 people at the most but these people are there daily. They use our only table and bring their dinner and shower in our guest bathroom. They have also invited company to join them. We have house rules stating that they can use the facilities unless guest of their tenants but they still refuse to obey the rules. We had a lock on the pool and the owners and renters did have access to it but not the investors so they climbed over the pool. We also have enclosed patios for each unit and they go through all our gates and walk through everybody's patios. Even as far as looking in patio doors and reporting someone had some trash bags on their kitchen floor. We have almost no condo laws in Oklahoma. Is there anything that we can do to stop this couple.