This question is submitted by R. M. out of Connecticut
Our condo association has a no-pet rule. It came out that a director has a pet (not a support animal) while participating in aggressively dragging others to no-pet hearings. One person had asked if they could have a fish and was told no. So this director very dismissively said they would try to get a "letter." How can we obtain proof of such a letter? If they say it was obtained, so far, nobody has followed up.
A prior director said there is an annual renewal requirement for ESA letters. Where would that requirement be found? I can't find anything in the statutes, etc. I don't know where to go to find out. Of course, the condo atty could advise, but only directors and specifically the president can engage the condo atty. The current board president is protecting this director due to their going along with other things.