Condo Q&A

Renter thinks street in condo property is unsafe for kids

Written by | Mon, May 1, 2017 @ 12:31 PM
I am a renter in a condo complex which has a number of rentals. We have a three person board, one of which is a despot, who is admittedly anti-handicapped, anti-elderly, anti-freedom of movement in common areas, anti-safety for children and has declared our only street (2 way, East-West thorough-fare with public access) a "Driveway" where children as young a 3 years old may play freely without supervision. His own son, who is 4, has come very close to being struck by a car a number of times.  As instructed, I've reported safety issues to the management company (Smith Management, Des Peres, MO) but have now been shut down because I struck the wrong nerve. I have requested a meeting with the county police and am awaiting their response. Yes, I am a tenant and no, I don't think I should have to move because of this person's tyranny. The prime issue for me is a child being harmed because of insane safety policies. There are also issues of ethnic discrimination, harassment and threats. Any suggestions where to go for help will be a great kindness.