Condo Q&A

How to take action against your condo association or HOA

Written by stephen polinsky | Mon, Aug 19, 2013 @ 01:00 PM
I read lot of these blogs and it seems many of you have not taken action.  Recently I have approached our HOA in West Broward FL. The experience I have had is that the Association President  is doing his best to avoid the HOA to repair and provide a drainage solution number one.  The HOA only wants their money every month they are not interested in taking responsibility for HOA liability issues when it comes to the home owner.  So, I pressed them with emails which were worded via my legal counsel and after a few rounds of emails I felt it was necessary to get tougher and stand my ground and retain an attorney to write a demand letter.  We looked at the By Laws and Florida Statute and sure enough the HOA is liable for the common area.  Even better I called a land surveyor out to look at the issue to put my argument into professional hands.  Dont let guys like our condo president bully you around and talk badly in dark rooms and send you threatening emails. No sir, stand up and Fight Go To War take action with action you hold your destiny in your legal counsels hands