How can we make our condo association board of directors (BOD) election stand as a valid one? I live in a Connecticut condo association. The board members elect the positions for the BOD. We needed to have elections held within 10 days of the annual meeting. The meeting was on the 10th day. At the meeting the President hands out agendas. The first order of business was to get a board member to resign. This was a ploy to even out the vote. The board member refused to step down. The last item on the agenda was to elect a president and a treasurer. The majority of the board was for a new president. A motion was made and seconded and the voting began. The president and two other board members started to pack up to leave even after being told the election must take place because it is day 10. They wanted to hold off the elections because they knew the majority was for a new president. Now the president is not acknowledging the election.
My question is shouldn't the first order of business have been the election? Even though members walked out and the voting continued is that election valid? What can we do to get the other board members to respect the fact that the old president has been replaced? How can we make sure the coop's attorney will be fair in advising us on this issue? (The old president has been around for awhile as well as the attorney).