HOA board of directors will not enforce local and State fire lane no parking regulations. There is to be no parking in the parking lot except between striped lines, and no parking in front of garages. There are to be no social activities in the parking lot for safety and access reasons, and no objects are to be placed in the lot. The HOA board allows owners to park cars in front of garages to do car repairs, and sometimes owners park their cars in front of their garage overnight, there are kids playing ball in the parking lot and also picnics, and one owner barbecues with a charcoal grill in the lot whenever she pleases (and she is on the board!)
I brought this up at the annual meeting in August, and I was told I was wrong, wrong, wrong, and they said so in the meeting minutes. I have submitted documentation from the City Fire Marshal about the rules, but they still ignore them. Has anyone else had this problem? The bylaws say these things cannot be done, but the board doesn't pay any attention to the HOA bylaws.
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