Condo Q&A

Condo association and HOA problems with renters

Written by | Fri, Apr 23, 2010 @ 11:08 AM

Our Condo Association in Florida is dealing with a Rental Agent that provides renters for 4 or 5 units in the community association. We have experienced problems with condo association violations from all of her renters she puts in these units for absentee owners. When we address the problems she consistently defends there actions when they are in clear violation and are a nuisance to the neighbors. She also does not enforce curing the situation, when we bring the violation up to the owners through letters she again defends the renters and puts the condo association board in a bad light.  She puts renters in units without going threw the proper procedures set forth in our condo documents. When it's election time she has proxies signed over to her and votes for whoever she feels she can control. We would like to bar her for a limited time from renting property in our community. With the majority vote from the Board can we do this?

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