Condo Q&A

New condo association president overwhelmed and badly needs help

Written by | Thu, May 13, 2010 @ 11:09 AM
I am newly elected president to our recently turned over condo association. The developer turned over in February. There are 3 board members including myself. Developer wants us to sign a release in exchange for money. All of us are inexperienced and have thus turned release over to the lawyer. Our property management company tells us everything was done correctly concerning the turnover but when asked to produce documents we are given run around. Documents are stored off site at their office and not readily available to the condo association board. One board member is combative, self serving, and will not do anything because it is the "property manager's job". Property manager is off site as well and does not have set schedule as to when she will be stop in. I am frustrated as I feel as though I am carrying the load of everything...cannot trust anyone and totally feel that fudiciary responsibility. I am ready to submit resignation yet feel guilty leaving everyone to handle all of this unfinished business...after all, I am not getting paid right? I know there is a lot of info here but I need some advise...HELP! 78NMDA4MWD2U