Condo Q&A

How does your condo association pay for non-invoiced purchases?

Written by | Mon, Jun 7, 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Background: Our condo association currently has two bank accounts - a checking account (operating) and a savings account for our reserves. Generally, we get invoiced and then write checks to pay for the majority of our expenses. However, there are times when we need to get some random office supplies or make a quick trip to Home Depot. In these instances, I basically end up paying for the stuff on my own and then I am reimbursed for the expenses.

Question: I would prefer to not have to pay for things and then get reimbursed for them. Instead, we would like to have something like a credit card for the building with which we can buy those random items. However, we were told that with a credit card, there would need to be a guarantor, which nobody on the board wants to do, including myself! So, for the time being, we got a check card that does not allow any ATM transactions, and we set a limit of $500 per store. Is there a better solution? How do other condo associations and HOAs pay for items that are not invoiced? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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