Condo Q&A

How does condo association better manage their employees?

Written by | Fri, Jun 25, 2010 @ 02:43 PM

I live in a 100 unit complex in Florida. We have a board of directors and a property management company. My question is about paid employees of condo association. We have a full time maintenance person. I am sure he is paid from our monthly assessments. I heard our president said " he will be here as long as he is here" and " he can take off whenever and leave early whenever "

His salary is paid by the condo association and not personally by the association president. Isn't the president responsibility to the residents... making sure their money is spent properly. I don't like paying someone's salary that is leaving early each week... when I say early I don't mean minutes I mean hours. Does the state of Florida have someone to come in and check the condo association and property manager responsibilies to owners?