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Why wont most banks provide loans to a condo association or HOA?


hoa loansOur Condo Association has contacted several banks, including the ones that can be contacted directly through us. However, because our Association is comprised of 14 units, no lender will even contemplate giving us a loan. We have several projects we would like to do, one for recaulking/flashing of the building exterior, the rest are for system upgrades and energy efficiency. Total cost of about $34-36k. Our reserves stand around $20k, and of course no one wants to do a special. The building is 8 years old, meets all the % requirements for occupancy, delinquency, and ownership spelled out in most articles and blog posts concerning HOA loans. We understand the idea behind spreading around the risk, etc., with larger Associations. We just don't understand why with "so many" lenders originating loans to HOA/Condo Associations, why no institution will even look into providing our Association a loan? Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of a lender that will at least work with us rather than just saying no when I tell them we have 14 units? Has anyone ever escrowed part of the reserves at collateral, in addition to assigning collections rights of the assessments as part of a loan? Thanks ~

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