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Condo association treasurer is forcing unnecessary assessment


Our condo association is run by two individuals that are living assessmenttogether. She is President and he is the Treasurer. The Vice President has recently died but there has been no temporary person voted in. We keep asking when is the meeting and it's always coming. The other owners of the condos want these two out. They are wanting to assess us owners for things that are not necessary right now when there are more important safety issues to address. The treasurer is saying we must pay a certain amount for a improvement by Oct 1 and the balance on Nov 1st. Don't we have a say in the matter? I thought the owners were the ones to say yes not be told we have to comply without a meeting. Am I correct? The treasurer says he is going to use our reserve money to pay. So far he is running the show because she will not open her mouth. Can we stop him? Time is of the essence. Please help. We are in Florida.

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