Condo Q&A

4 Ways to Recruit Condo Association Board Members

Written by stephen polinsky | Fri, Jan 30, 2009 @ 01:48 AM

If your condo association is like mine, you know one of the hardest challenges is recruiting condo unit owners willing to take on the role of a condo board members. So, I thought you may be able to use these 4 ways to help your condo board recruiting efforts.


1) Recruit through condo association projects. We had a number of projects that condo unit owners seemed interested in around condo building security and capital improvements. Condo unit owners that volunteer for these projects are good place to start grooming for some condo board talent. The trick is, after the project is completed; make sure you have another one lined up for them. You’ll see that after the first project, it’s hard to say no, as they get further vested in the condo association.


2) Appeal to the Yuppies. Yuppies own condos and are always looking to raise their profile through new business and civic experience. They can achieve both as a condo baord member and it’s your job to tell them. In condo association management, they will learn to handle a P&L, deal with accounts receivable and vendor management, and get some lessons in PR when dealing with fellow condo association members. Sounds like an MBA to me.


3) Start making things more transparent. If you operate your condo association from what is perceived as “behind closed doors”, you risk alienating condo owners that do care about the welfare of the property and condo association. Condo owners need to be educated on an ongoing basis as to how the condo association does everything from pay their bills to figuring out next year’s condo association budget. I’m not suggesting group think on everyday decisions; rather the communications of the decision and the rational behind it goes a long way and could help harvest future condo board members.



4) Clearly define trustee roles. This is one of the major steps any condo association can take to clean up what may look like a general abyss of responsibility to condo owners looking in at the process. Look in the blog navigator under trustee roles at from some ideas how organize your trustee board and give some visibility to other owners in your condo association.


If all else fails, offer to be the BBQ Chef at the annual condo association party and make sure to cook away on some rickety old grill (especially on a common roof deck). The owner most concerned about liability, should a fire break out, is probably your best candidate.