Condo Q&A

Condo manager wants to go into the solar energy business

Written by stephen polinsky | Sat, Jan 22, 2011 @ 01:33 PM
Our managing agent wants our New Jersey condo association to put solar panels on our clubhouse roof. He claims that we will see a result in decreased utility bills within 4 years. In the meantime, he will own the panels, get the tax break from the depreciation, since we are not a corporation. We, in turn, lease the panels from the managing agent and pay him a monthly fee. In 10 years we have the option to buy from him or continue to rent the panels. He also gets the S certificates, we do not. They are trying to "ram" this down our throats. I am against this because we are not in the business of brokering electricity and the gain is iffy, at best. Any comments?