Condo Q&A

Condo association owners fighting it out with board and management

Written by stephen polinsky | Sun, Feb 20, 2011 @ 08:08 PM
Recently we held our annual condo board elections. There are 24 units with 24 votes. I held 4 proxies + my own vote. One of the owners owns 8 units with 8 votes. She nominated me and I nominated her. Both nominations were seconded. The current board and the property management company said that neither of us were eligible to run. I am currently suing the condo association because they have not fixed my rotten, leaking roof and after two emails and two certified letters spanning a 9 month period, I hired a contractor (who had been hired to work on a roof previously by the current board). The 8-unit owner was accused of being in arrears for maintenance (a charge she denies). The By-Laws do not stipulate any restrictions on who can/cannot vote other than being a unit owner or proxy holder from a unit owner. Are they right or should I file an Article 78 proceeding?  This condo association is based in New York.