Condo Q&A

How our Connecticut condo association voted off its board members

Written by stephen polinsky | Wed, Apr 13, 2011 @ 03:09 PM
In March 2011, we voted off three board members. We followed the Connecticut statutes and our bylaws in this process. We gathered a petition with more than 20% of the voters signatures to call the special meeting. We voted them off 74 to 6. The results were sent certified to the remaining board members. The remaining board members along with the three voted off ignored our special meeting and votes. The president who was one voted off is stating the special meeting was not legal. Again, we followed all the legitimate procedures. Now, the attorney we are speaking with states to remove the remainder of the board and to replace the entire board. We again have a petition with more than 20% of the signatures required to call a special meeting to replace the remaining board. We have unit owners willing to be replacements until our regular October voting process takes place. Any feedback would be great.