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How To Appoint New, Small Condo Association Board Members


So, you just purchased in a small exiting condo association and wish to become a recorded condo trustee or condo board member and have the previous seller removed. 

The most inexpensive way to do it would be to go to the Registry of Deeds for your location and search condo documents to find an Appointment form - one you can copy.  Most registry information can be obtained online.  I would search the book and page for your current condo documents to see if there is a previous condo board appointment and condo board resignation form since it will make the process of copying a bit easier. 

Another more traditional route would be to hire a condominium attorney to provide the form for you.  This should be provided for a flat fee.  Being a small condo association it is particularly important to be affiliated with a Condominium specific attorney to assist you with collections of condo fees and assessments and other issues that may arise in the operation of your HOA or condo association. 

If a condo association bank account is not open already, you will need to obtain a tax ID number for the condo association prior to the bank opening the account.  Otherwise you would have to open the condo association account under one of the condo board members or trustees' social security numbers.  This is NOT advisable for many reasons.  Unless someone on the condo board is familiar with obtaining tax ids, it would be advisable to hire an condo association attorney. 

Condo Asssociation Management companies are not always an option for small condo associations that feel they can not afford the property management fees based on their budget.  Sometimes they find out that they can afford and will benefit from these services.  Certain property management companies will also offer consultation on specific issues that a condo board is having for a set fee.  Condominium Attorney's are always your best resource. 

 Scott Wolf

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