Condo Q&A

Join The Management Trust's "Communication 101" Webinar

Written by Nick Fasulo | Mon, Sep 26, 2011 @ 03:25 PM

Are you part of your HOA's or condo association's board, and need some teaching to ensure that you have the skills to address and solve issues in your community association?

Get answers to these questions and much more by signing up for the "Communications 101" webinar!

Hosted by The Management Trust, a community association management firm located in Tustin, California, Communication 101 will be a FREE webinar on Wednesday, September 28th at 12:30 PST.

Attendees will be given best practices for boards seeking to better engage homeowners and effectively solve the most pressing issues of the community through meetings and other communication methods. 

The presentation's main "How To" topics include:

  • Effectively conducting a board meeting.
  • Engaging your homeowners.
  • Spreading the word to spark interest.
  • Building and maintaining healthy relationships between the board, community association manager and homeowners.

As always, webinar is open to the public. Sign up by clicking the link above, and you'll be provided with the presentation's call-in information.