Condo Q&A

Condo president gets owners to withdraw applications for board seat

Written by stephen polinsky | Mon, Jan 23, 2012 @ 02:01 PM

I own a condo in a 150 unit complex in Florida. The condo board of directors actively (and vigorously) tried to recruit applications for director positions because they were afraid we would fall below the required 5 members. After receiving 8 applications the president of the board personally contacted 3 of the 8 applicants and "encouraged" them to withdraw their applications, presumably because he wanted to avoid an election. I was one of the extraneous applicants. I'm relatively new in the complex, and I withdrew because I didn't want to make waves, but in retrospect I regret it, and I'm a bit insulted. Is it ethical or even legal for a condo board president to personally contact board applicants in this way for this purpose? Doesn't this taint the entire election process?