Condo Q&A

Can HOA add late fees to court order to pay disputed monthly dues?

Written by stephen polinsky | Tue, Jan 31, 2012 @ 02:05 PM

The association took me to court for condo fees from about three years ago that they say I owe. The court decision was for me to pay the association $1,475.00. I appealed the court decision and said I want it to go in front of a jury. The guy that is treasurer has a site on the internet where he keeps track of my condo fees. He has been sending me links to this site since he started it. I went into the site after we went to court the first time and he has made an invoice number for the court decision that I appealed and he is adding 3% late fees every month to the court decision. Then I checked the individual invoices for this court case and he is also adding 3% late fees to each of these invoices which would total 6% interest per invoice per month. He also recently sent me an email telling me if I don't pay the court judgment he will sue me for personal damages. I also have multiple copies of each invoice he claims I owe that were copied on di fferent dates and at one point each of these invoices was paid in full.  I even have emails he sent me with the invoice numbers stating that they are paid in full. Does anyone know if this is legal? Can he legally add late fees to a court decision that I appealed? Can he really sue me for personal damages because I appealed the court decision?