Condo Q&A

What's The Most Important Features of Condo Association Websites?

Written by stephen polinsky | Fri, Jan 30, 2009 @ 03:43 AM


The condo website should have 1) rules and regs, 2) contact info regarding the mgmt co and other suppliers, 3) access to documents, 4) notification of events, 5) possibly a message board.

I agree with the features above, but I also think that a good website should be used as a marketing tool by the condo association to raise the value of the property to would-be buyers and renters.

What are people using for message boards? We use Yahoo! MessageBoards We are looking for a pre built Condo website that will handle trouble tickets. Any suggestions on companies/consultants who can build? One important feature is multiple levels of access -- board members and manager can have one level of access, and homeowners another. This allows the board to set permissions such as who can post material, who can send an email to the group, etc.  
Matt Humphrey The best company providing pre built websites we found (after intensive search) is They have different plans for you to evaluate and select the one best suited to your community. Their prices don't break your budget either. 
Our Florida laws requires that all documents be open to all owners - therefore we've used our website (private to owners only) as our main document storage facility. This is particularily important due to our location - in hurricane alley. If I lose my computer, I can still retrieve our records from the AtHomeNet server. 
You can make it as busy as you want - we use it for everything - notices, reports, work orders, etc., etc.  
Almost every community website provider will support the basics of doc storage, calendar, forum, etc... and no one website is right for every community. Some are geared towards large suburban subdivision type communities while others are better suited for smaller communities. <a href=" target="_blank"> does a great job with urban communities of all sizes. What separates our websites from the others is the network created by all the NeighborHuddle communities in a given region. NeighborHuddle communities can leverage each other by sharing things like contractor reviews or basic operational information all from the comfort of their own website! 
If anyone has any further questions on association website selection, I'd be happy to help!

posted @ Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:24 PM by Kris Petersen