Condo Q&A

How do we build a bicycle storage area?

Written by stephen polinsky | Sun, Jul 15, 2012 @ 12:18 PM
I would appreciate hearing from anyone with experience "building" a bike storage area. We have a 9' x 9' area currently enclosed by concrete walls on three sides and we plan some kind of concealment/security wall with door/gate access across the front (am interested in thought on materials, vinyl vs wood? Our design can hold 29 to 33 bikes (we’ll have space to one to hang on the back wall). We're looking at buying 2 wave racks off the shelf and arrange on opposite side walls. I'm interested in an inexpensive floor, will start with a dirt surface when current vegetation is pulled out. We're thinking of a hard-surface (concrete?) center walkway with a gravel bike pads on either side. In addition to bikes on the floor, we have an 11-foot ceiling and plan hanging storage. Configuration / materials ideas welcome. We don't have a budget number to meet. Thanks!!