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Condo association is neglecting needed common area repairs


I live in a condo that stormwater enters the crawlspace. I believe that water coming down the hill has found a vein in the dirt. It goes under dirt, under retaining wall, under patio and foundation and bubbles up into crawlspace. Our CR&R;'s lists the foundation,support beams and posts, blocks etc as common elements. I have sent the Association several letters asking them to fix problem. They said unit owners fix under the unit and they take care of the outside.In 2009 they spent $35000 on drainage issues for the center units. Nowhere in the cc&r; does it say that we are responsible for under the unit. I told them that unless it is raining under my unit they need to stop water from coming in. Now they say I have to go door to door to get people to vote in my favor. It could take 2 years. BUT they sent a contractor over to fix the rotton post in the crawlspace caused by high water. Who is responsible? also the Board Pres. works for the landscape Co. that they switched to. He is the business manager. Is that legal

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