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Property manager takes condo association digital. Worried members.


Our new property management company has imposed the electronic storage of our association records. They claim to scan and store all in their central computer.

  1. No public board vote took place to approve the change of storage format. 
  2. In case of a change of management company, we don't have any guarantee that the new management company would receive the records in a format compatible with their own system without a conversion or set up fee to be paid by us to the old and/or the new company. What will happen to the original invoices paid to contractors? Are they required to store them? 
  3. In case of request for records inspection, the management company refuses to allow owners to inspect the records on computer screens (home or manager's office). 
  4. To inspect them, the owner must pay up front a $.50 cents printing charge per record page BEFORE any inspection ($100 for the printing of the 200 pages of a single monthly Financial) 
  5. In addition, for any take-home copy requested during inspection, the owner has to pay a $.50 cents copy charge per page. 
  6. They only allow two (2) hours of inspection time per month in their office. How an owner could review seven (7) years of board minutes in two hours? Something is wrong with the way this electronic storage is used to restrict inspections. I’m sure other owners must have or will face this issue in the near future. Any suggestions?

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