Condo Q&A

How does our association conduct a recall of the board of directors?

Written by stephen polinsky | Fri, Apr 19, 2013 @ 01:03 PM

My question is regarding the terms of conducting a recall of a board/director. I’m not sure how to interpret our bylaws. They state: At any regular or special meeting, any one or all of the directors may be removed with or without cause by a majority of the owners of condominium units and a successor may then and there be elected to file the vacancy created. We have an association of 100 units. Does “majority of the owners of condominium units” mean a majority of just those who are present at that particular meeting? For example, if 10 owners were present, we must have at least 51% to be a majority. This would mean a majority would be 6 owners (60%). Or in our case with 100 units in the association; does a majority mean no less than 51% of all the association units (51 units would make a majority, 51%). Thanks for the help.