Condo Q&A

Water damage between neighbors

Written by | Wed, Jan 31, 2018 @ 10:41 AM
Last night I was doing dishes in my 2nd floor condo and I heard a knock on my door. It was my neighbor downstairs who said that a piece of sheetrock has fallen down due to leaking water. She asked to come in to show me where she thinks that it is leaking from. I allowed here to come in and show me, it appears to be the kitchen sink drain. There is no visible water damage inside my unit. The pipe goes immediately into the floor so i cannot see anything. I called the insurance company. I am just responsible to fix the leak not for the damage. I called a plumber but she will not let anyone into her home. I believe she is a hoarder there have been some terrible smell from the place and junk everywhere from what you can see through the windows. She wants to see if they can fix it from above if not she wants to get her own plumber to fix it. Since i cannot see where it is leaking is that my responsibility and how would i know that she actually fixed it. I genuinely believe that she will not fix the issue. She made the mistake of saying it has been going on for years. I was just made aware of the leak since i just bought the place. There has to be a significant mold issue present. How do i go about getting it repaired if she won't let me? and are the pipes in the walls normally the HOA's?