Condo Q&A

What if condo owner stops paying fees?

Written by stephen polinsky | Mon, May 25, 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Can an unhappy condo owner HOA member not pay condo fees if they're unhappy with the work the condo board is doing? 

An HOA owner is responsible for paying condo fees even if he or she is not happy with the condo board's repairs, maintenance, landscaping, or does not use the pool, facilities or common area. It is not like an apartment where some states have laws allowing escrow or withholding of rents when a place becomes inhabitable.

And when the condo fees (assessments) are not paid, it can lead to very substantial collection costs, for which the HOA owner then becomes responsible, and can lead to foreclosure or default if not paid. So it is best to find another way to air your grievances and look for solutions if an owner is unhappy about what the HOA Board is doing (or not doing).

A condo owner can run for the condo board if they are not delinquent in assessments or in violation of the condo associationr rules (and sometimes that does not even prevent an owner from running for the Condo Board).