Condo Q&A

What is Meant by a Quorum in NY State HOA Bylaws?

Written by Andrea Wasik | Wed, May 27, 2015 @ 05:26 PM

Our bylaws state the following regarding a quorum: "So many Home Owners as shall represent at least 51% of the Home Owners present in person or represented by a written proxy, as combined to equal the said 51%, shall be requisite to and shall represent a quorum at all meetings of the Home Owners..."

We have 287 total units in our complex. To me, this wording states nothing about 51% of the total 287 units. I interpret this to mean that, for instance, if 60 proxies are sent in, and 30 people attend the meeting, then the total of 90 is your pool of votes to tally. Am I incorrect on that?

-Chris in NY