Condo Q&A

What questions to ask condo association board candidates during elections?

Written by | Thu, Aug 17, 2017 @ 01:36 PM

We have problems with 2 out of 3 board members overspending the budget and do not want to be accountable to the homeowners or answer simple questions. They don't want the board meetings be open to the homeowners and refuse to walk around the complex to see damages first hand. This Sunday one board member is up to re-election (which we do not feel she has enough votes to stay in). A lot of people want to recall the president and have others run against her.

What questions should be asked of those running? Examples- 1) Do you think the board should be accountable to the homeowners when they are off budget?

2) Should homeowners be allowed to come to board meetings at least once a quarter to discuss issues effecting everyone such as the budget vs. expenses?

3) When contractors (such as handymen or landscapers) cause damage to the common property is it the boards responsibility to collect the fees for the said contractor?

4) Should the homeowners vote on the annual budget before it is approved? And should the homeowners vote on an increase in the HOA fees (Ours went up $20/month without home- owner approval and no increase in services).

How are these questions and is there anything else we should ask of the people running before electing a board member? Thanks for your input!