Condo Q&A

Who is responsible for sewer line repair?

Written by | Wed, Jun 16, 2021 @ 12:26 PM

I live in a condo in Indianapolis Indiana which is a PUD, meaning I own my condo plus 5 feet of the land on each side that it sits on. I pay monthly HOA dues.

I have a neighbor that was having issues with her sewer line and was told that the sewer line was collapsed. The collapse is located on the other side of the street near the main sewer drain. Our HOA advised my neighbor they were responsible for the collapse and refused to help. Her plumber / contractor advised her to put in a Forced Pump so she did.

After this was done I started having my sewer line backup into my basement. I called a plumber who did a video scope and found that my condo sewer line and my neighbors sewer lines are joined together and then they run out to the main sewer. This contractor has blocked my sewer line when he ran my neighbors new sewer line. I contacted the contractor who refused to fix the problem. He said that since both my neighbor and myself are in a PUD that it is illegal for our sewer lines to be connected.

I contacted my HOA who told me the same thing they told my neighbor that they are not responsible for any of the sewer lines and I was responsible for my own sewer line to the main sewer.

I would understand if I had my own dedicated sewer line but it's a shared sewer line. I would think I would be responsible for the sewer line from my home up to where it joins with my neighbors and from there the HOA should be responsible for anything beyond that point.

So I am confused who is responsible for what?

Also if my neighbors contractor is correct and it's illegal for our lines to be connected then who would be required to have these sewer lines separated?