Condo Q&A

With 450 HOA units we should have a finance committee

Written by | Fri, Feb 1, 2019 @ 11:50 AM
I was on a finance committee but it dissolved due to deaths of members and relocation of members. I recently submitted a request to resurrect the finance committee with new members having a strong character and business backgrounds. The board president felt there was no need to have a finance committee because the treasurer on the board is a CPA. The board is fortunate to have someone with those credentials, but I ask what does having a CPA on the board have to do with not having a finance committee. We are a large communities over 450 units. Most large condo associations have various committees assisting the board in services. Besides what a better way to have good people willing to volunteer their time assisting the board. Committees are also wonderful ways to get owners involved and recruiting purposes for any vacancies on the board that may arise. How does one change the mindset of the leadership to see the overall bigger picture of why committees can be good for its community.