Co-owner presented a list of costs and loss of rent!
This question is submitted by Cindy P, out of Michigan
The current Co-owner bought another unit in a private sale between owners. He opted not to have the unit inspected and admitted he knew he was taking a chance with purchasing this condo, as there were unsanitary conditions and visible water damage present that was never reported by the previous residents. Upon gutting the kitchen, the new owner noted that the drywall behind the sink area was water-damaged and had mold. He notified the Board and proceeded to have his contractor rip everything out. The Board called in plumbers who discovered a crack in the main water line within the wall, which has now been repaired.
The new owner initially stated that all he wanted was to make sure everything was good before he closed his walls back up. Now, he has presented us with a list of all of his costs as well as "loss of rents". A few questions: Is the Association responsible in a case of neglect in upkeep? If an owner buys as is, without inspection, can he hold us responsible? Doesn't the Association have the right to hire our own contractor?
Any advice is appreciated.
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