I have sent certified mail to management requesting Association's Official Records - from June of 2016 to May of 2017 WITH NO PROVIDING OF RECORDS. In addition, I have sent countless emails requesting to receive the Official Records to no avail. My last email was sent May, and I just received a certified letter from the association's lawyer telling me, "I am being blocked from having my emails received", as their policy is to have all inquiries received via certified mail. A fact to note is that my redundant emails are not of inquiries but rather correspondences relating to have management enforce governing rules - carry out the Rules & Regulations, By-laws that run our community that IS NOT BEING ENFORCED or ABIDED.
There is NO RULE or LAW in the Florida Statues that state "owner's MUST send certified mail" - it is suggested as to proof it was sent and date verified - but NOT A RULE OR A LAW.
I choose to follow the stipulated explanation from the Florida Statues and not pay 6.73 per certified mail. My legal rights to view the Association's documents have been denied to me and my rights of free speech has now been blocked.
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