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HOA wont approve construction although other homes have same features


We are trying to get HOA approval to begin construction on a home. We purchased our lot because it has a lake view. After submitting our house plan to the HOA, they told us that they would like us to turn the direction of our house around, resulting in our kitchen/great room, no longer having the lake view that we purchased the property for. The reasoning of the HOA is that they like to hide the garages from the street view as much as possible. There are many houses in our development which have garages that face the street, including the house of one of the HOA board members. The HOA also seems to have a problem with some of our exterior building materials such as a corrugated metal wainscoting. Other homes in the development have used this material. They also address our charcoal gray exterior color. The opinion of someone on the board, is that it is a shade of blue, which is not supposed to be allowed by the h.o.a. At no time, did I think the color is blue. From our lot, we have a view of a huge home with a bright blue metal roof. Once one homeowner is allowed to stray from the covenants, doesn’t that set a precedent going forward.

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