Our condo (8 units), built in 1975 was in pristine condition. It has come to our attention that the former president/secretary was "fixing" the books from 2000 to now. We're a senior association, and trust was a strong factor.
She passed away 2012 and then all hell broke loose. I did my homework and found all kinds of criminal and fraudulent activity. Th situation was so serious I was "stoned." The two remaining board members took control. There are no records, no budgets, no bank statements, no minutes. In fact, we're not even registered with the state. The last documentation I have is 1998.
No one knows anything about our monies, where they're going and to whom. The treasurer (about 10 years now) voted a renter to be president. This gentleman scammed us, made himself maintenance worker and stole money for jobs he was NEVER voted to. The treasurer, secretary and renter have stolen a lot of money and have not obeyed by-laws.
We hired a management company last year to "fix us" and she has done absolutely NOTHING. I will report her to federal regulators. Since we don't know our finances, we're in flux as to how to pay an attorney. My assumption Is that the three crooks need to repay the owners for mismanagement and criminal activity. We're seniors, some disabled and need assistance to get our association back on track.
It's a free for all, having undesirable renters, broken by-laws and no enforcement. Can you direct us and advise what's available?