I live in a condominium in Georgia. It is that time of year for our annual owners meeting and election of the Board of Directors.
Our documents state that annual meeting must be held within 60 days of the end of our fiscal year. We just received the meeting notice and the meeting is being held April 7,2018 which is way past the 60 days end of our fiscal year. I questioned them about this and their reply was “sorry for the delay” with no reason given.
Our Board of Directors consists of 5 people. 2 of them are serving their 2nd year of their 2 year term. So that means voting for 3 new people. The BOD nominated 3 people that are already on the board. One of them has sold her unit and no longer resides here. (Our antiquated documents allow for a non owner to be on the board). Owners are wondering why she would even be nominated let alone want to be on the BOD.
4 owners circulated petitions to run for the board (per our documents 15 signatures are required). We received the ballots late last week and 2 of the 4 owners names were not on the ballot. Both of them questioned our management company and the BOD, and were told there were several signatures that were not legible. One owner had 25 names on his petition and they are telling him 11 signatures were not acceptable. Shouldn’t the management company or BOD advised these owners of this before mailing out the ballots? They are saying 4 signatures were unreadable, 4 were not the owners signature, and 2 were past due in the monthly fees. The management company said they tried to reach the owners in question by email but had no response. The 2 owners asked for proof of this and were denied.
It is so obvious what the current BOD is doing, they still want their control of the board and are afraid if 3 new people are voted in they will be voted off the board. By the way the current board is the worst I have seen in the 14 years of living here. And it upsets owners that the current board is still making decisions 3 months into the new year of 2018.
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